QPCC Office Bearers & Committee Members 2024-25
The TRUSTEES are appointed by members on an ex-officio basis. The officers who are appointed Trustees are the Office-Bearers being, The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary. It is a duty of the Trustees to ensure that the Club meets all its legal and financial obligations and responsibility for same shall rest solely with the Trustees.
Vice President & Trustee: Stuart Brennan
The Vice President role involves deputising for the President where necessary and delivering the vote of thanks speech to visiting speakers and judges.
The Vice President role involves deputising for the President where necessary and delivering the vote of thanks speech to visiting speakers and judges.
Club Secretary & Trustee: Fiona Godsman
The Club Secretary's main duty is to accurately record and promptly distribute the minutes of all committee and general meetings and highlight all the action points for committee members. The Club Secretary also conducts all official correspondence on behalf of the club except for those matters that may be delegated to appropriate committee members. |
Treasurer & Trustee: David Galloway
The primary role of the Treasurer of Queen’s Park Camera Club is to record all of the financial transactions undertaken by the Club throughout the year. The status of the finances is presented to club committee at the monthly committee meeting. The Treasurer also prepares the audited Annual Accounts which are presented to the membership for review and comments/discussion at the Annual General Meeting. |
Membership Secretary & Trustee: Stephen Dunn
The responsibilities of the Membership Secretary are to ensure that the membership list is current with all categories of membership and that contact details are up to date and shared with the Treasurer and IT Convener. He/she also maintains the waiting list of potential new members and contacts them when vacancies occur following attendance reviews. At the start of the new photographic season, new members to QPCC are invited to attend a New Members Introduction Evening, hosted by the President and the Membership Secretary, where they can get to know each other, be briefed and ask questions on the many and varied activities of QPCC. |
The COMMITTEE – which holds regular meetings and generally controls the activities of the Club. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial position of the Club and has responsibility for the management of the use of the Club’s Assets.
Syllabus Secretary: Ken Terry
The role of the Syllabus Secretary is to plan, develop and organise the future program of events for QPCC’s weekly Thursday evening meetings. In addition to timetabling the regular club features such as competitions and presentations by QPCC members and social occasions, it also involves engaging around a dozen speakers each season to give lectures to the club on different aspects of photography. "As well as the regular presentations, competitions and social occasions, I will be on the lookout for speakers. I know that within our membership there is a wide range of photographic interests so I would be pleased to hear your recommendations for speakers and topics. Please let me know your suggestions – either in person or email me (see the website committee contact page)". |
Print Exhibition Secretary: Sheila Clark
As Exhibition Secretary for prints, my main role in the club is to collect entries for the various internal print competitions held during the season. Entries can be handed to me any time up to and including the ringed date in the syllabus. Once collated, they are delivered to the judge. I also collect entries for any external competitions which are held at various times during the season. I joined the club in 1993 and by coming along to various groups and entering the competitions I have developed my photography skills. I enjoy general photography and in the club I am known for my photography of The Royal Family, which is an interest I have had since the age of four. I use my photography in my job as a Home Economics teacher to record, in particular, the cakes produced by pupils in the department. From time to time I photograph other events in the school and have taken the school prom photos for a number of years. |
Projected Image Exhibition Secretary: Stewart Webb
With a membership of around 90, many of whom are active in both internal and external competitions, the role of the Projected Image (PI) Exhibition Secretary is quite a busy one. Over the course of the year the club runs several internal competitions. The PI Exhibition Secretary collates all the competition entries from club members and ensures that image submissions conform to all rules and regulations and sizing and titling conventions, before onward delivery for assessment. |
External Competitions Secretary: Brian Cathie DPAGB; LRPS; EFIAP/b; GPU Cr2
The club participates in a number of inter-club and national events. The External Competitions Secretary chairs the Awards, Competitions and Exhibitions (ACE) Group, which selects images that should represent the club in external competitions. |
IT & Website Convener: Graham MacKinnon CPAGB
The primary roles of the IT & Website Convener are: Computers & Peripherals Support Installing, maintaining, upgrading & repairing the club computers, software, printers & peripherals, administrating the club's wireless network and maintaining the club's stock of ink, paper, mounts & accessories. Website & Online Diary Administration Administering and updating the club website, including hosting details of club facilities & events and responding to website enquiries. Also administering & updating the club online diary with syllabus details, special interest groups & individual member bookings and managing individual member access to the club rooms for online bookings. |
Rooms Maintenance Convener: Pat Docherty
The primary roles of the Rooms Maintenance Convener are: Liaising with the building factor for common external repairs & maintenance. Monitoring internal fitments, electrics & plumbing for faults and carrying out minor repairs, maintenance & upgrades of the club rooms & fitments. Obtaining multiple quotes for major repairs of rooms & fitments and supervising access for trades people. Administering and enforcing fire risk and safety regulations and maintaining the club rooms in a clean & safe environment. |
Past President: Maureen Anderson
I joined QPCC in 2008 and have enjoyed learning about a wide range of photography. I have previously undertaken a number of roles within the club, including Review Group Convener, Syllabus Secretary, Vice President and most recently, President during seasons 2019-21 and 2023-24.
I joined QPCC in 2008 and have enjoyed learning about a wide range of photography. I have previously undertaken a number of roles within the club, including Review Group Convener, Syllabus Secretary, Vice President and most recently, President during seasons 2019-21 and 2023-24.
Andrew Noble: Independent Examiner
The Club's Independent Examiners scrutinise the annual accounts prior to submission to the Charity Commission (OSCR)
The Club's Independent Examiners scrutinise the annual accounts prior to submission to the Charity Commission (OSCR)